Harmonize the mobility and its environment

The “smart city” is a functional concept that coordinates the city between automation systems and a global communication of each component. The city is in movement, interactive and reactive, and promote new technologies, information sharing and data management.

This city conception is at the heart of our business:

  • We ensure as much as possible the better functioning between roads and public areas
  • We answer the increasing demand of transports users for rapidity and efficiency
  • We solve the transport malfunctioning impacting the fluidity, before they occur

We produce several solutions relative to the smart city concept:

  • The set up of a dialog between vehicles and infrastructure (in case of traffic light priority system – bus, tramway, autonomous vehicle)
  • Real time adaptation of the junction operation, depending on the traffic situation (smart traffic light solutions)
  • Use of new data to produce mobility studies
  • Definition and deployment of new regulation strategies, thanks to the UTC

Our most requested studies:

  • Definition & deployment of urban traffic measurement (metering station, bike sensing, pedestrians, parking sensors…)
  • Priority system studies for public transport – detection and awareness (project management, execution studies)
  • Missions as Project manager or Contracting Authority Support to implement traffic regulation systems; needs definition, useful functionalities, contract document redaction, follow up and receipt (Traffic lights Supervisor, UTC…)
  • Design and functioning studies for complex junctions, identification of appropriate detection systems, description of micro regulated functioning, adapted to the traffic density, in real time (smart junctions organisation).

Doing concrete actions serving communities

Affectation dynamique voie bus

Smart junctions modify their functioning to the traffic density

Depending of the traffic flows, the junction is able, in real time, to modify its functioning. Dynamic lane allocation optimises junction capacities, reduces traffic jams and optimises public transport organisation: dynamic vehicle or bus lane assignment. These adaptations will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution nuisance.

The junction operation is remotely possible

The central system for traffic regulation can adapt the junction operation in real time, all of them from the same place.


Vehicles can communicate with the infrastructures

Communication systems between active vehicles and infrastructures can make the integration of autonomous vehicles in traffic flows easy, or allow public transports to have priority at junctions. CeRyX Trafic System supports and advises customers in the development of new technologies, from the start to the results evaluation.

Traffic flows data permit new mobility strategies

CeRyX Trafic System uses mobile data from different sources to produce its studies. These data complete the simple information given by traditional sensors, help to better understand the traffic functioning of the area and adapt our strategy according to the local issues.